Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sevenmile Road Relief Fund

(Hay enlaces para un informe en español al fondo de la página).

On Oct. 25, 2012, in the outskirts of the border town of La Joya, Texas,  three Guatemalan immigrants were shot as a Texas Department of Public Safety sniper attempted to disable the pickup truck they were being carried in. Two of the men died and one survived. Now the widows of Jose Leonardo Coj Cumar and Marcos Antonio Castro Estrada are struggling to feed their children in Guatemala. Vitalino Hernandez, who survived, still suffers injuries from the shooting and is struggling to provide for his family.

The three families are Kaqchikel Maya from remote mountain villages with little access to education, work or food. Recent coverage in The Texas Observer, Univision and other media outlets detail the tragic circumstances that pushed them to migrate to the United States to look for work and the shocking actions by the Texas state police that resulted in their deaths.

If you would like to contribute in a relief effort for the men's families, please use the paypal link below. Alternatively, checks may be mailed to Proyecto Azteca, c/o Ann Cass (re: Deaths on Sevenmile Road); PO Box 27; San Juan, Tx 78589). The contributions are not tax-deductible. Thank you for your kindness.

You can read the story at 

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